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内蒙古发现超大型金矿 资源超百吨价值350多亿,选金溜槽,罗斯溜槽厂家,龙江溜槽出口-青州冠诚重工机械有限公司
发布时间: 2016-10-14
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

 A gold Armed Police Corps detachment of two Hadamengou in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region recently discovered a large gold. After expert validation, the deposit resources of more than 100 tons, is expected to the potential economic value of about 35000000000 yuan.
The mine is located in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Jiuyuan District such as Thailand and GA territory Wulateqianqi Shadegai hematoxylin hematoxylin, geological structure
Build complex, favorable conditions for mineralization. According to reports, through pre investigation found HADAMEN gold points, according to the instructions of gold command at the site launched a large-scale gold geological exploration survey using remote sensing satellite positioning system, air reconnaissance survey, geophysical exploration technique, the delineation of the Hadamengou large gold anomalies. Up to now, a total of 7 gold veins proved,
53 gold veins, the cumulative exploration was 100.5 tons of gold resources.
According to the China geological survey released in October this year, the Ministry of land and resources survey of mineral resources evaluation shows that since the implementation of a new round of the 1999 survey of land and resources, Chinese new discoveries of gold and silver precious metal mineral 250, the new gold resource capacity of 1830 tons.


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