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发布时间: 2016-7-10
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


Several main alteration features are described as follows.

1, potash feldspar granite belt. The outer wall rock alteration, the distribution area is relatively wide. Metasomatic texture is widely developed. Mainly potassium feldspar metasomatism oblique Changbai metasomatic dissolution and metasomatism residual and metasomatic harbor like structure.

2, the silk mica granite belt. Sericitization superposition in K-feldspar granite zone, B inhibition change range is narrow, feature for feldspar minerals surface dirty, plagioclase is sericite account, a vestigial like and protolith is generally the cataclastic granite. Sericite often scaly, as a collection, the main account of plagioclase.

3, beresitization granite belt. The alteration of the silk mica is further strengthened, and the time is longer than the potassium feldspar alteration zone, which is superimposed on the potassium feldspar alteration zone. Rock was slightly green, the account is very common architecture. With the difference between the belt and potassium feldspathization is biotite have all been iron removal into light colored, mica, amphibole disappeared, the main corrosion mineral as sericite and quartz overgrowths, a fine-grained metasomatic texture. This alteration zone is found to be in the first and second mineralization zone.

4, the silk British rock belt. Transition of the medial alteration zone to the gradual transition of the silicon. The field rock showed gray, light green, silk, silk luster, under the microscope, the shape of the crystal structure. The original granite structure completely disappeared only partially see a small amount of feldspar account of the illusion. The altered minerals such as mica and secondary quartz, pyrite, followed by chlorite and carbonate minerals.

5, the band. With the development of the auriferous quartz veins and beresitization granite belt, close relationship with mineralization. Rock almost all consists of brecciated and sugar granular quartz, containing a small amount of Sericite quartz breccia, and development complete crystal form of pyrite disseminated. Therefore, it can be inferred that this band is the result of structural broken and broken.

6, yellow iron mineralization. Generally associated with the silicon, can be divided into sooner or later. Early pyrite showing euhedral semi euhedral in rocks is star shaped and disseminated distribution; late pyrite is in fine semi euhedral granular along the fracture was fine vein distribution and relation with gold mineralization closely.

7, green mud. Developed in the wall rock protolith angle flash biotite plagioclase gneiss in the common corrosion types, often associated with silicification, sericitization and pyrite mineralization associated.

8, carbonation. The alteration is developed, is located near the ore veinlet altered rock fracture.


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