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发布时间: 2015-8-26
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

The vibration isolation spring is used for vibration isolation and vibration, and the dynamic load is reduced. In order to reduce the numerical value of the dynamic load, the stiffness of the vibration isolation spring is often selected.

RS type resonant vibrating device is an elastic connecting rod type exciter, which is composed of an eccentric shaft, a connecting rod and a rubber spring, and the transmission spring is a series spring, which is close to the linear change, and its stiffness is usually based on the equivalent stiffness of the spring 1/2-1/ 5

15 square meters work resonance screen;

The quality of the design of China's manufacturing euhedral ratio of 1:1 double sieve box resonator. On the basis of the metal coil spring, the spring is installed on the base of the screen box and the lower sieve box. In order to keep the relative position between the sieve box, in order to make the screen box, to make the screen box is uniform, the spring is arranged on the screen. When the eccentric shaft rotates, through the elastic transmission connecting rod, the vibration force is transmitted to the screen box, so that the screen box is uniform and the spring is arranged evenly along the direction of the screen. When the eccentric shaft rotates, the vibration force is transmitted through the connecting rod, and the vibration force is transmitted to the screen box, and the direction angle of the screen box is 45 degrees.

The comparison between the sieve and the RS type resonance sieve has the advantages of:

1 due to the abolition of the weight of a large balance frame, weight loss, metal consumption is small, compared with the same mass ratio of 1:3, the size of the sieve is equal, the weight can be reduced by half.

Two 2 story screen, the working area of the screen is large.

3 because of the low weight of the upper sieve and sieve box, so that the stiffness of the smaller vibration spring, which can also achieve the purpose of reducing the role of the dynamic load on the basis of.

4 when the screen machine works, the movement direction of the two screen box is 180 degrees, so the load on the ground of the screen box is different from 180 degrees, and the dynamic load can be balanced,

30 square metre resonance screen:

The main difference is that the linear resonance screen (series spring) is the main vibration screen, and the screen machine has a large acceleration, which is beneficial to the material classification and dehydration, but because there is no gap between the 1:1 and the striking plate, the main difference is that the linear resonance screen is removed.


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