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发布时间: 2015-5-13
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


香港开山集团国际贸易有限公司  [开山集团]
Kaishan (HK) Group lnternational Trade Co., Limited
山东省开山重工机械有限公司    [开山集团]
Shandong Kaishan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd
青州冠诚重工机械有限公司      [开山集团]


Setup the gold chute
1, first check the quality of FRP screw plate (especially the quality of the working surface), the size and shape of the square can meet the requirements of assembly.
The bolt hole 2, spiral sheet on the general by the factory pre drilled well. If the manufacturer does not need drilling processing, according to the same model, in order to ensure good interchangeability.
3, by bolt five circle spiral piece is connected into a set of spiral groove, horizontal, two adjacent flange connections within the surface smooth transition is connected, should pay special attention to under the surface shall not be less than the corresponding surface. Along the diameter direction. (groove width direction) from the outer edge of the alignment is not allowed, under the plate rim on the inside, this installation is intended to prevent the occurrence of ore flow splash. Seam when the connecting place, use putty smooth.
4, will have five pieces connected to a group of four (or two or three) spiral grooves are screwed together into the required shape, distribution.
5, the four column (San Gen) respectively in four (or three, two) on the spiral groove, the spiral groove and the pillar are fixed with bolts, and then install the cross (tripod), the head of the screw around the uniform, then spin all bolts, after installation, spiral plate to maintain the natural shape, having no obvious change.
6, a feed chute and product intercepting trough were installed in the head end and the tail end of spiral groove to ensure tight junction is not Water Leakage, if the gap, with paint seal, to ensure the smooth surface groove.
7, feeding equipartition device and product concentration bucket is not connected with tank support, free placed on the bracket, the installation should pay attention to put a positive position in figure. Each distributor pipe are respectively aligned to the corresponding feed chute.
8, spiral chute based generally does not need fixing, but on the same level in four (three) on the basis of the plane, after installation, should check whether the vertical axis of the spiral groove is vertical, in the column below the shim adjustment plumbdegree. To set up the operating platform in the spiral chute at the appropriate height, spiral chute pillar and properly connected platform.
Widely used in industry, should be grouped by multi configuration, mine quantitative feeding, spiral chute should be continuous line configuration, in order to save area.

青州冠诚重工机械有限公司专业生产选金溜槽并承接选金溜槽出口业务,24小时免费服务电话400-9949-111售后客服:0536-3584888 传真:0536-3593111 厂家销售电话:0536- 3533072 手机:15053659999 15653473333 QQ1592999333网址http://www.xuanjinliucao.com/网址http://www.gc666.com/网址http://www.taojinshebei.cn/网址:http://taojinchuan.cc/网址:http://taojinjixie.cn/网址http://shajinshebei.net/网址http://shajinshebei.cn/网址:http://shajinjixie.cn/


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