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发布时间: 2015-2-7
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


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Hydrothermal metasomatic deposit

Contact metasomatic deposits, often called the skarn type deposit. Mainly occur in acidic intermediate mafic intrusive rocks and carbonate rocks (rocks containing calcium and magnesium) or near the contact zone. This type of deposit is generally has the typical skarn mineral assemblages (calcium aluminium - andradite series, diopside hedenbergite Series), and in the genesis and spatial distribution, and skarn has certain relation.

Magmatite intrusion age of formation body, from Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian period, Yanshan period have to. In Yanshan period is the most important in China.

The carbonate rock formation of Sinian to Jurassic age, once have, lithology is also not the same. Known domestic skarn type iron ore rock, including limestone, marble, dolomitic limestone, marl, impure matter limestone, dolomite; part of wall rock for hornfels, schist, slate, sandstone and tuff. From the era of lithology, Proterozoic (including the Sinian) for siliceous limestone of Cambrian and Ordovician; for pure limestone or containing magnesian limestone; Carboniferous - Permian for argillaceous limestone and organic matter. The most favorable China North forming the contact metasomatic iron deposit is the Cambrian - Ordovician limestone, the south is mainly Daye Triassic limestone and Early Permian in Qixia limestone.

Contact metasomatic iron deposit formed in the contact zone of most, some ore bodies can be extended to non skarn rock, ore bodies often appear in groups, complex shape, lenticular, saccate, irregular shape and vein, mineral composition is relatively complex. Iron ore on a massive structure based, for disseminated, speckled, lumps and brecciated structure. The type of iron ore is often associated with comprehensive utilization of copper, cobalt, gold, silver, tungsten, lead, zinc and so on; even form iron copper, iron, copper and molybdenum iron boron, tin, iron iron gold CO (with) deposit. Deposit scale based small and medium, there are also large.

This type of iron ore is very widely distributed in Chinese, mainly concentrated in Hebei province Han (Dan) - Xing (Taiwan) area, Eastern Hubei, Jinnan, western Henan, Lu Zhong, North Jiangsu, Southern Fujian, northern Guangdong and southwest Sichuan, Yunnan and so on, is an important source of China rich iron ore.

According to the magmatite and surrounding rock conditions, in the industry often divided into Hanxing type, Daye type and Huang Gang type iron ore. Hanxing type iron ore rock is mainly the Middle Ordovician Majiagou Formation limestone, stratoid orebodies usually. Daye type iron ore rock mainly Triassic of Daye limestone, orebody shape irregular. Huang Gang type iron ore rock is granite and granite, rock paleozonic carbonate volcano rock series clamp.

Hydrothermal deposit are obviously controlled by structures, some are ore controlling fault, some folds and ore control, fault and fold complex ore. The relationship between hydrothermal deposit and magmatite often vary, most ore body and rock mass has a certain distance. High temperature hydrothermal magnetite, hematite deposit ordinary and partial alkaline granite, granodiorite, diorite related, low to moderate temperature hydrothermal hematite deposit often associated with smaller intermediate acid intrusive body, both to maintain a certain distance. Low temperature hydrothermal siderite deposit has no obvious relation with intrusive body. The control effect of surrounding rock conditions of hydrothermal type iron ore is not obvious. The wall rock alteration is a significant feature of hydrothermal ore deposits, high temperature common diopside tremolite petrochemical, petrochemical, biotitization, epidotization; low temperature ore deposit in rare chloritization, sericitization, silicification, carbonation etc..

Most hydrothermal type ore body is smaller, often appear in groups. The ore bodies are in vein, lenticular, lenticular, see more branch composite, expansion and contraction, reproduce pinch phenomenon. The simple combination of ore, ore grade is generally higher. Deposit scale based small and medium. Located in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces, autonomous region. But there are also large deposits, such as the Shandong Zihe River area, Wendeng iron ore deposit in the late Cambrian Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks in the deposit, as hypabyssal epithermal filling metasomatic deposit. The deposit consists of 22 ore bodies, stratoid and lenticular, overlapping parallel distribution. The main orebody is 7000m long, thick 12 ~ 36m, 100 ~ 470m extension. Ore minerals are mainly limonite, siderite. The average TFe of 41% (limonite ore grade), 30% (siderite), proven iron ore reserves of 116000000 T, which for making iron ore reserves of 54000000 t.

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