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发布时间: 2014-11-5
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The characteristics of China's silver mineral resources

Origin is widely distributed, the reserves are relatively concentrated

The country has proven reserves of origin 569, distributed in 27 provinces, city, autonomous region. Reserves in million T above provinces include Jiangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong; reserves in 10000 ~ 5000t of the province (area) with Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hubei, Gansu. These 7 provinces (area) reserves accounted for 60.7% of the total reserves. The remaining 20 provinces, city, autonomous region reserves accounted for only 39.3% of the total reserves.

More low-grade ores, ore less, associated silver resources are rich, origin, but the more low-grade ores, ore less

Chinese associated silver resources are rich, in 1995, to maintain reserves of 66146t, accounting for the total reserves of 58% silver, there is a part of the mining area of analysis of silver or no calculation of reserves, the associated silver reserves should actually be more. The country except Ningxia, other provinces, city, autonomous region have associated silver origin. The associated silver reserves and origin to Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan as the most populous. But Chinese associated Ag ore less, more low-grade ores, silver grade greater than 50g/t rich associated silver deposit associated silver reserves account for only about 1/4, while the silver grade less than 50g/t poor associated silver reserves but accounts for the total reserves of associated Ag 3/4.

Large, medium low origin, occupies plenty of big, medium-sized; low origin, possession of the reserves; small origin, occupies less reserves

According to the analysis of the data of 1992, China with silver as a main exploration object silver, large producing 12, medium-sized origin 40, big, medium-sized origin of possession of the reserves of this kind of silver reserves of 95%; small origin 29, holds reserves accounted for only about 5%. Associated silver deposit large producing 14, medium-sized origin 73, big, medium-sized origin of possession of the associated silver deposit associated silver reserves accounted for 79% of total reserves, while the small origin 271, possession of the associated silver reserves only account for 21% of the total reserves of associated silver deposit.

Silver lead zinc and the symbiotic or associated

China symbiotic silver to silver lead zinc ore is much, its reserves accounted for silver reserves 64.3%

Silver lead zinc mine

. Associated silver deposit are mainly produced in lead zinc mine (associated silver reserves accounted for 44%) and copper (accounting for 31.6% of the associated silver reserves). And silver symbiotic or associated except lead zinc and copper, and tin, gold, and multi metal ore etc..

A silver. The chemical composition for the sulfosalt minerals Ag3AsS3, crystal is the three party system. Also known as proustite. The English name comes from the French chemist J.L. Proust (J.-L.Proust) name.

Proustite was bright red streak is bright red, in the light dark. Translucent to opaque, adamantine luster to the semi metallic luster. The surface because of easy oxidation film is often dark covered, powder are brick red. Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5, the proportion of 5.57 to 5.64, clear the rhombohedral cleavage, fracture conchoidal to uneven. Soluble in nitric acid, fusible. Both ends of the asymmetric crystal, was hetero shaped short column; usually in the form of granular and massive output. Crystal column, rhombohedral and scalenohedron. Also to block or dense aggregations.

Proustite is hydrothermal mineral. Usually with other silver minerals with output, as silver ore utilization. And a variety of mineral associated hydrothermal veins, such as tetrahedrite and tennantite, and some sulfides such as galena, and quartz. Lead zinc silver deposit, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Qinghai and Guangdong province of China in proustite. The appearance of the large crystals found in Chile Naxiyue check. Mexico, Bolivia, Germany has a place famous for. Proustite except as a source of silver mineral raw material, and its single crystal can be used as laser material.

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