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发布时间: 2014-7-24
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)





Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd

布里斯班港(Port of Brisbane)是澳大利亚昆士兰州的大港口,也是澳大利亚第三大港口。源出布里斯班-库亚尔山脉、全长344公里 的布里斯班河,从布里斯班城市中间穿过,注入大海。城市中心距河口19公里,内河航道水深11米,可通航大吨位海轮。如今,布里斯班已发展为澳大利亚重要的铁路、公路和海运交通中心,输出羊毛、谷物、奶制品、肉类制品、矿砂、煤炭等。




Belt chute - gold belt chute - gold belt chute - preferred Qingzhou Guancheng company

Brisbane port (Port of Brisbane) is the largest port in Lanzhou Australia, is Australia's third largest port. Source Brisbane Couillard mountains, 344 km Brisbane River, across from Brisbane city center, into the sea. City Center 19 km from the mouth of inland river channel, water depth of 11 meters, is navigable for large tonnage ships. Today, Brisbane has developed for Australia is an important railway, highway and transportation center, the output of wool, grain, dairy products, meat products, iron ore, coal and other.

Focus on the development of Brisbane port on the mouth of the Brisbane River Fisherman Island, port covers an area of 1780 hectares, and has become a comprehensive deepwater container terminal, with the bulk terminal port. Fisherman island port line length of 7500 meters, the ship berth 30, including container berths 8, 14 meters water depth; oil 6 berths, water depth of 14.3 meters; otherwise the cotton and wood 1 berths, bulk and grain 1 berths, cargo berths 7, berth of coal and cement 1, chemical products and fertilizer Wharf berths 2, sugar 1 berths, 1 berths of aquatic products, repair spare 1 berths, water depth is 13 meters.

The fisherman island port area mainly provide container cargo handling, and equipped with railway, highway and rail sea intermodal transport and other integrated services of port infrastructure, port of Brisbane production center, Brisbane is also the seat of the port authorities. Brisbane to Hong Kong ferry to fisherman Island, and the urban area especially residential maintained a considerable distance, to avoid unnecessary traffic congestion.

Brisbane to Hong Kong ferry to fisherman Island, and the urban area especially residential maintained a considerable distance, to avoid unnecessary traffic congestion. At the same time, Brisbane estuary with an average depth of 13 meters in the above, can reduce the extra dredging costs, thereby reducing the cost to improve port operation, the port competitiveness. The container throughput of Brisbane port in 2005 is 726000 TEUs, Australia accounted for 18% of the total container throughput; cargo throughput of 26000000 tons, is the fastest growing port.

The container throughput of Brisbane port in 2005 is 726000 TEUs, Australia accounted for 18% of the total container throughput; cargo throughput of 26000000 tons, is the fastest growing port. Brisbane port has a fully automated container yard, the 7 straddle stack of two three operating mode, straddle carriers with GPS automatic positioning. Export container by the railway cargo to the port, import container with highway transportation to all over the country. Exports from Brisbane port coal each year 5000000 tons, is a high-quality coal, mainly exported to China, India. But because of the influence of railway capacity constraints, the export volume of coal has reached saturation. Australian National 50% beef and cotton products are from the Brisbane port exported to all over the world.

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