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发布时间: 2014-7-22
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)





Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd



Gold chute chute - Ross - Longjiang - Qingzhou Guancheng company preferred.

Luo Yuanwan

Fuzhou Luoyuan Bay in Fujian province is located in the coastal northeast, Minjiang port 50 km to the north, is the rare natural deep-water harbor, all-weather berthing 300000 ton ship.

Luoyuan Bay under the Fuzhou city in the administrative divisions, the north shore of Luoyuan County, the southern coast of Lianjiang county. According to the plan of the West Strait Economic Zone, as the port of Fuzhou port.

Shi Qi port 30000 ton multi-purpose terminals are located on the North Bank of the Luoyuan Bay is the first ton dock in construction, has been approved as a temporary port, the port has wide depth, not silt not frozen, safe conditions, channel stability, can be the construction of 66 ton berths, practice million tons of ship free access. Shi Qi port 68 km away from Fuzhou Changle International Airport, from Matsu Island is only 38 sea miles away from Taiwan, Keelung port 142 sea miles away from Keelung port, Taiwan, is a deepwater port recently the biggest. Land is also very convenient, from the 104 National Road 7 km, 12 km away from the entrance of Luo Ning expressway. In the construction of highway and railway, Luoyuan Bay Port Railway special lines will provide a quick and convenient transport conditions for port.

But the door port is located in the South Bank of the Luoyuan Bay will build 25 terminals, including container, dry bulk, liquid chemicals, universal dock. The construction of Huadian Kemen power plant.

It has built the east port conditions, starting from the "eleven five" period, Fujian province has become the focus of the construction of the Luoyuan Bay port.

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