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发布时间: 2014-7-18
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Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd

布雷斯特(Brest),一译“布列斯特”。法国西部城市。位于布列塔尼半岛西端、布雷斯特湾的北岸。人口包括郊区18.7万(1982)。港阔水深,十七世纪起扩建为优良军港。法国大的海军基地和重要的贸易港。有兵工厂及海军学校。以建造大型战舰著称。有造船、电子、机械、化学、纺织、食品等工业。距城12公里有重要炼油厂。市东北有飞机场。作为法国最重要的两大军港之一的布雷斯特,战略地位十分重要,港内长岛(Ile Longue)是法国重要战备核潜艇基地,法国第一艘核动力航空母舰"戴高乐"号就是在这里建造的。除军港外还建有商港,漫步在达诺特林荫道上,商港全景,海湾风光一望无际,尽现眼前。该市所在的布列塔尼大区以浓郁的民族文化,得天独厚的地理位置,四季繁花的陆地美景,大片珍贵的绿色自然保护区,充满自然美的迷人海岸,富有特色的地方建筑成为与法国南部地中海岸并驾齐驱的旅游大区。布列塔尼还保留了很强的凯尔特文化,因为这一点,它和其他凯尔特地区保持着紧密的联系,像爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士等等。但是布雷斯特市的文化却处于现代文化的前沿,虽然它也保留了许多皇族的传统。港城还是一座新兴大学城,高等教育十分发

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Brest (Brest), a translation of the "Brest". The western city of france. Located on the north shore of the Gulf of Brest peninsula. Population including the suburbs of 187000 (1982). Deep water port, seventeenth Century expansion as an excellent port. To build a large battleship. A shipbuilding, electronic, mechanical, chemical, textile, food industry etc.. 12 kilometers from the city is an important oil refinery. 12 kilometers from the city is an important oil refinery. Northeast airports. As one of the two most important French naval port of Brest, strategic position is very important, harbor of Long Island (Ile Longue) is an important strategic nuclear submarine base in France, the French first nuclear powered aircraft carrier "De Gaulle" was built here. As one of the two most important French naval port of Brest, strategic position is very important, harbor of Long Island (Ile Longue) is an important strategic nuclear submarine base in France, the French first nuclear powered aircraft carrier "De Gaulle" was built here. In addition to the military port also has a port, walk in Danot Boulevard panorama, harbor, bay scenery stretch as far as eye can see, accidents. Grande Bretagne District of the city is located in the rich national culture, be richly endowed by nature of the geographical location, four seasons flowers land scenery, large precious green nature reserve, full of Charming Coast natural beauty, distinctive local building becomes and the Mediterranean coast of southern France and driving tourism region of qi. Brittany also retained a strong Celtic culture, because of this, it and other Celtic regions have maintained close contact, such as Ireland, Scotland, Welsh and so on. But the Brest city culture is at the forefront of modern culture, although it has retained many of the Royal tradition. The city is a new University City, higher education is very developed, the existing more than twenty thousand students, oceanographic research institutions is also very famous.


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