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发布时间: 2014-7-16
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)






Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd




Gold ore belt chute - gold belt chute - Tianjin Port profile - the preferred Qingzhou Guancheng company

General situation of Tianjin Port

North of Beijing, Inner Mongolia and the northeast, south of East, west across Southern China, West and northwest inland region, and connected Mongolia, Russia and European countries. The highway network, lead in all directions, Beijing Tianjin Tanggu expressway, Beijing Tianjin Tanggu Danla expressway, highway (State Road 103), Jin Jin is high speed, the coastal highway, the formation of radial road network, connecting the Beijing, Tianjin and North China, northwest provinces. Pipeline aspect, through the aviation fuel pipeline in Beijing; crude oil in Dagang Oilfield and connected Tianjin Petrochemical and oil pipeline, and can be communicated with Sinopec crude oil pipeline by Tianjin to Cangzhou pipeline. According to the geographic location of Tianjin port, hinterland economy and demand in our country and regional comprehensive transportation system status and the function, Tianjin port is an important hub of China's major coastal hub port and a comprehensive transport system, is the main port important node in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region comprehensive transportation network and foreign trade, is the North China, northwest regional energy supplies and the main transit transportation of raw materials in Hong Kong, is an important port container hub port and the development of modern logistics in north area. The development of Tianjin Port will for the city of Beijing and Tianjin city, the comprehensive construction well-off society, the development of modern metropolis and take the lead in realizing modernization service, for the Beijing Tianjin Hebei area basically accomplish industrialization, optimizing the distribution of productive forces and speeding up the adjustment of industrial structure upgrade services, for economic and social development of Beijing city and open service, North China, Tianjin city, northwest area extroversion economy development and energy, raw materials and trade goods transport services. Along with the economic development in the hinterland, Tianjin port should have the transportation organization, storage, transit, transshipment port industry, modern logistics, port trade, bonded processing and distribution, shipping and market information, comprehensive services and other functions, and will gradually develop into a comprehensive port facilities, perfect functions, high working efficiency, environmental protection and modern civilization multi function.


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