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发布时间: 2014-4-2
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


         固定溜槽的优点是不需要动力,生产成本低、操作简单,对回收0.2mm以上的粗粒金是行之有效的设备。缺点是间断作业,工人劳动强度较大,细粒金回收效果较差。我国某些采金船仍在采用以固定溜槽为主要选矿设备的流程。黑龙江黄金公司(以下简称龙江)一工型溜槽龙江一工型溜槽是吸取国外罗斯( Ross)溜槽的特点并结合我国实际由龙江设计制造的,现已推广使用。

         整个设备由3个平行的溜槽组成,可分别处理粗粒和细粒矿砂。中间是粗粒溜槽,两侧是细粒溜槽。粗粗溜槽与细粒溜槽底部均铺有塑料毛毡(由塑料制成的草坪),河南破碎机其上压有溜格。粗粒溜槽溜格为L 45mm×45mm角钢制成,并在角钢朝上的边上钻有418mm的圆孔或长孔。细粒溜槽的溜格为L 25mm×25mm角钢制成,也有用扁钢条焊成,形状类似鱼鳞状。


The advantages of fixed chute is does not need the power of simple operation - crown - know

The advantages of fixed chute is does not need the power, the lowest cost of production, simple operation, the recovery of more than 0.2mm of coarse gold is effective equipment. Disadvantage is the intermittent operation, the labor intensity of workers is large, poor fine gold recovery effect. Some of our country's gold mining ship is still in use in a fixed chute as the main processing equipment process. Heilongjiang gold company (hereinafter referred to as the Longjiang) a type chute Longjiang type chute is absorbing foreign Ross (Ross) is combined with the characteristics of the reality of our country by the Longjiang design and manufacturing, has been promoting the use of.

The whole apparatus consisting of 3 parallel chute, which deal with the coarse and fine sand. The middle is coarse chute, chute side is fine. Plastic blankets are spread thick and fine chute chute bottom (made from plastic lawn), Henan crusher which is pressed on the sliding lattice. Coarse sluice riffle is made of L 45mm × 45mm angle, and the angle at the edge of drilling a hole of 418mm or long hole. Fine grained chute riffle is made of L 25mm × 25mm angle steel, flat steel bar welded is also useful, shaped like a fish scale.

Fine tail chute about Im long not to put the riffle and placed on the screen, the purpose is to effectively capture fine-grained gold. The upper part of the chute ore washing box is made of steel plate with a trapezoidal groove, main role is to ensure that the feeding stability. Flushing pipe distributed with a plurality of nozzles, spray high-pressure water washing materials. Connection with cloth chute ore washing box with a sieve plate, the thickness of material is divided into two levels. Coarse sluice coarse level to intermediate, fine fine level to the sides of the chute.

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