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发布时间: 2014-4-2
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


Ross chute plays an important role - Guan Cheng know in special equipment re-election in placer gold
      1.罗斯(ROSS)溜槽   美国和加拿大采用推土机-罗斯溜槽开采砂金取得了很大成功。这种采金方法处理量大,不需要建立永久性厂房,设备搬迁容易,维护方便,生产稳定可靠,细粒金能得到充分回收。它特别适用于小而富的砂金矿、阶地砂金矿以及难于用采金船开采的砂金矿开采。
      2.机械淘金盘   这类设备有螺线圆盘选矿机、平底淘洗盘、锥型离心盘等多种型式,都是利用离心力和重力的联合作用强化分选。

Ross chute plays an important role - Guan Cheng know in special equipment re-election in placer gold

In addition to the chute, jig and shaker general gravity separation equipment, have emerged in recent years, many for the disposal of the placer gold deposit in gravity separation equipment, the equipment has strong pertinence, simple and practical, to obtain good classification effect. Here are some more important.

1 Ross (ROSS) chute America and Canada by bulldozers - Ross chute mining of placer gold has achieved great success. Processing a large quantity of this gold mining method, does not need to set up a permanent plant, equipment removal easy, convenient maintenance, stable and reliable production, fine grained gold can be fully recovered. It is especially suitable for small and rich alluvial gold placer gold, terrace and difficult to use gold dredger mining of gold placer mining.

The production process is: Ross chute ore supply box with a bulldozer and excavator will contain gold placers in the upper end of the chute, with a large number of high pressure water jet wash ore; the washing conditions, ore with sieve plate screening and washing; the fine ore through the funnel felt with a belt hole, when gold bearing pulp through the bars, stratified according to density and size, gold was enriched in the chute bottom plastic carpet. Many domestic units conducted extensive research on the Ross chute, the gold company in Heilongjiang Province, according to China's national conditions and learn from the characteristics of the Ross chute, the design and manufacture of Longjiang -I chute through industrial test has achieved the desired results, the recovery rate can reach more than 80%.

2 Mechanical pan of this kind of equipment with spiral disc concentrator, frying pan, cone type centrifugal disc and other types, are combined by the action of centrifugal force and gravity intensive sorting.

Disc separator is mainly composed of three parts: 1) cone bottom disk surface with the spiral of Archimedes. 2) support with motor. 3) water pipe. A disk tilt angle can be adjusted, generally 32 ° ~ 35 °. When working, disc rotation, the spray pipe from the intraday continuous spray. For the ore from the disk edge to the pulp flow, in the plate, due to the centrifugal force and gravity, heavy minerals and gold particles deposited along the spiral groove, move to the disk center. In this process, the material is subjected to tank flushing water, light mineral has been washed out, flow to the pulp district even disk, with overflow discharging tray outside. Heavy minerals have groove protection in the ditch, not easy to be washed out, finally discharged from the disc center hole, become concentrate. YX- ф 800 disc separator developed by Guangxi Institute of metallurgy, when to -6 mm size, the processing capacity of 1.2 tons /, once choose don't enrichment ratio is up to 20 ~ 35 times, the gold recovery rate was 96 ~ 99%. This machine is small in size and light in weight, handling ability is big, carry convenient move, operation is simple, use is not restricted by terrain, separating the water can be recycled, suitable to dry and little water area, not only can be used for gold mining ship, and can also be small mobile gold unit, is promising the gravity separation equipment.

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