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Non metallic mineral is how to produce? Qingzhou Guancheng company told you
发布时间: 2014-4-1
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Non metallic mineral is how to produce? Qingzhou Guancheng company told you



Non metallic mineral is how to produce? Qingzhou Guancheng company told you

Cause a variety of non-metallic mineral variety, but the magmatic, metamorphic type, sedimentary type and weathering type was the most important, in addition to submarine exhalation role is also very important, such as pyrite mainly belongs to the cause of.

1, magmatic intrusion of magma formation: invasion and the formation of rock or emitted from the surface after the volcano volcano lava, ash, can form a non metallic mineral resources. Intrusive rock, such as the long gray granite can do high quality building materials, China's famous "general opening" granite floors and produced in India, "India red" granite are K-feldspar granite; emitted from the surface formation of pumice, perlite are industrial raw materials indispensable, volcano ash can also do agriculture use of fertilizer. There are two kinds of magmatite special Kimberley rock and LAMPROITE, its interior contains abundant diamond. Most of the world diamond production in the two types of rocks.

2, metamorphism: the rock is in solid state under basically, is affected by temperature, pressure and chemically active fluid, changed the mineral composition, chemical composition, rock structure and tectonics, the formation of nonmetallic deposits. Industrial and commonly used in daily life, asbestos, graphite kyanite, andalusite, talc, mica etc.. Shandong Nanshu Graphite Deposit, Henan, Shaanxi Jin Hongshi, asbestos are domestic famous origin.

3, sedimentation: exposure to the surface of the rock, ore, in the atmosphere, water under the long-term action, erosion, transportation, deposition, differentiation, eventually forming a non metallic mineral resources, also by chemical precipitation, biological chemistry direct formation of non-metallic mineral layer. Divided into three main categories: (1) the placer, mainly formed by water, ice, wind, sorting, such as diamond, Jin Hongshi, zircon, monazite rare mineral can be differentiation process, through the mechanical enrichment and mineralization; (2) biological chemistry, such as phosphate rock can be formed by the bird feces deposited directly, diatomite ore by diatom remains accumulation, there are also related to volcano sulfur mineral resources; (3) the chemical role in the formation of salt, the salt industry indispensable to human beings, gypsum, potassium nitrate, potassium salt for agriculture, medical use of epsom salt are the crystallization of chemical precipitation evaporation process causes the Saline Lake in the.

4, the weathering of rock or ore bodies: the exposed surface, after a long rain, light, oxidation, biological process, and chemical surface composition, mineral appearance change, thus forming a non metal material available. Daily life and industry in the clay minerals are the causes, such as kaolin, bentonite are rock weathering, it is this function provides raw material for making ceramics, cosmetics, environmental governance activities, pharmaceuticals, paints and other substances for human. Expand the point of view, even formed all things for the survival of the soil and weathering and nonmetal resources.

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