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发布时间: 2014-4-1
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


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我国古代矿业生产和技术水平在世界上曾一直处于领先地位,几千年来,对我国政治、经济、文化的发展和社会的进步及生产力的提高起过很重要的作用。但由于后来封建王朝未能很好地注意总结经验以求进一步发展,也没有及时注意吸收和采用世界上其他国家出现的新的科学技术成就,致使中国近代矿业 处于非常落后的状态。  我国近代矿产地质调查与开发工作起步较晚。近代矿业开发工作是从铁矿、煤矿开始的。19世纪下半叶,清政府为了兴办洋务和北洋水师,制造枪炮、战舰和机器以适应防务和经济发展的需要,一方面从国外进口大量钢材、水泥等建筑材料,一方面开始筹划发展现代矿业和矿产品加工业。但由于中国当时正处于半殖民地半封建社会,到1911年辛亥革命推翻清王朝止,帝国主义者在华开办了许多较大规模的煤矿,外资煤矿产量占到了全国煤矿产量的83.2%。1903年中国人民掀起了从洋人手中收回矿权运动,取得了一定的成果。日本侵华期间,从1931年到1945年,日本共霸占了中国煤矿200多处。抗日战争胜利后,日本霸占的煤矿少部分由边区人民政权接管,大部分由国民党政权接管。这些煤矿在解放战争期间遭到严整破坏,直到新中国成立后才得以恢复与发展。  近代铁矿开发利用的矿山有40多处。有些矿山生产规模较大。并开始使用新的机器设备进行采掘、选矿和运输。在有色金属方面,1908年和1918年在江西南部先后发现了西华山钨矿和大吉山钨矿。由于军需和国际市场对钨的需求迫切,这两个钨矿很快投入开发,因此钨精矿产量大增。古代早以开采的云南个旧锡矿,自采铅始,继之开采锡矿,近代开始较大规模的开采。在贵金属方面,除炼铅锌矿提取银外,一些地区也开采金矿。  石油、天然气开发利用进展缓慢建国前使用的石油钻机仅15台,油气钻井工作自1907年至建国前共钻井169口。整个油气勘察开发工作基础薄弱,规模很小。  非金属矿开发利用自古至今一直延绵不断。从以北京故宫建筑群、南京中山陵等一系列古代和现代建筑群利用大量的花岗石、大理石、琉璃瓦、青砖等材料来看,建材非金属矿的开发利用规模是很大的。  综观中国近代矿业,有以下两个特点:一是具有典型的半殖民地性质;二是民族矿业在艰难环境中挣扎前进,基础薄弱,发展缓慢,生产规模不大。

China modern mining

China's ancient mining production and technical level in the world has been in a leading position, for thousands of years, progress of China's political, economic, cultural and social development and improve the productivity plays an important role in. But because the later feudal dynasty failed to pay attention to summing up experience in order to further development, also did not timely attention to absorb and use the other countries in the world on the new achievements in science and technology, the Chinese modern mining industry is very backward. Modern geology and mineral resources survey and development of our country started relatively late. Modern mining development work began from iron ore, coal mine. The second half of the nineteenth Century, the Qing government in order to set up the westernization and Beiyang Navy, warship and machine guns, to meet the needs of defense and economic development of manufacturing, an import large amount of steel, cement and other building materials from abroad, on the one hand to start planning the development of the modern mining and minerals processing industry. But because of Chinese was in a semi colonial and semi feudal society, to 1911 Xin Hai revolution to overthrow the Qing Wang Zhaozhi, the imperialists launched many large-scale coal mines in China, foreign coal production accounted for 83.2% of national coal mine production. In 1903 Chinese people launched the movement of regaining the mining right from the hands of foreigners, and achieved certain results. During the Japanese occupation of China, from 1931 to 1945, Japan occupied more than 200 Chinese coal mine. After the victory of Anti Japanese War, the Japanese occupation of coal less in part by the border area people regime took over, mostly taken over by the Kuomintang regime. The coal mine was thorough destruction during the war of liberation, after the founding of new China until to recovery and development. The development and utilization of iron ore mines at more than 40. Some of mine production scale. And start using the new equipment for mining, mineral processing and transportation. In non-ferrous metal, in 1908 and 1918 in southern Jiangxi has been found in West Huashan tungsten and Dajishan Tungsten mine. Because the supplies and demand on the international market of tungsten urgently, this two tungsten quickly into the development, so the output of tungsten concentrate increased. As early as in ancient Yunnan exploitation of Gejiu tin mine, mining lead starting, the tin mining, the beginning of modern large scale mining. In the precious metals, in addition to the extraction of silver lead zinc mine, some areas also gold mining. Petroleum, natural gas development and utilization progress slow oil rig before the founding of the use of only 15 Taiwan, oil and gas drilling work from 1907 to the drilling 169 mouth. The oil and gas exploration and development foundation is weak, small scale. Development and utilization of non metallic minerals has been continuous. From the architectural complex of the Imperial Palace in Beijing, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum in Nanjing and a series of ancient and modern buildings through the use of a lot of granite, marble, glazed tile, brick and other materials, metal ore exploitation of a large scale non building materials. In China modern mining, has the following two characteristics: one is the semi colonial typical; two is the national mining struggling in difficult circumstances, the foundation is weak, slow development, production scale is not large.

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