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发布时间: 2014-3-31
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万隆  印度尼西亚第三大城,西爪哇省首府。位于爪哇岛西部火山群峰环抱的高原盆地中,城市海拔 719米。市区面积8 0多平方公里,人口150万,连郊区约250万(1981)。年平均气温22.5℃。年降水量1988毫米。气候温和宜人,为理想的疗养地。城市大致分南北两部分,南城为商业区,北城是住宅区,有国宾馆、大旅馆等现代化建筑,郊区有许多设计新颖的别墅。有纪念意义的独立宫和1955年亚非国家举行万隆会议的会址独立厅。郊区有大片茶园和金鸡纳园,还种植稻米、蔬菜和花卉等。万隆是爪哇岛重要的文化与工业中心之一,流传有西爪哇巽他族的文学、舞蹈、音乐和戏剧。有多所高等院校和科研机构,有著名的万隆工学院、国立巴查查兰大学、火山地质博物馆、鲍斯天文台和原子核研究中心等。全国纺织业中心,郊区有大量纺织企业;有国内唯一的奎宁工厂,其他工业有橡胶、制茶、机械、汽车装配、无线电器、冶金、飞机、罐头等。西爪哇铁路、公路和航空枢纽。附近有复舟山、芝亚德温泉、小西湖、达哥瀑布、动物园等旅游胜地。复舟山为活火山,游人可走到火山口观看火山活动。

Bandung Indonesia's third largest city, the capital of West Java province. Located in western Java volcano surrounded by peaks Plateau Basin in the city, 719 meters above sea level. Urban area of 80 square kilometers, population 1500000, even the outskirts of about 2500000 (1981). The annual average temperature of 22.5. Annual rainfall of 1988 mm. Mild and pleasant climate, is a resort ideal. The city is roughly divided into two parts of North and south, Nancheng commercial district, north of the city is a residential area, with modern buildings guesthouse, hotel, there are many novel design villa suburbs. To commemorate the significance of the Independence Palace in 1955 and the Asian and African countries held in Bandung Conference venue independence hall. There is a large garden and cinchona garden suburb, also grow rice, vegetables and flowers. Bandung is one of the cultural and industrial center of the island of Java important spread west Java, Sunda nationality literature, dance, music and drama. There are many universities and research institutions, the famous Bandung Institute, National University, Bachachalan volcano Geological Museum, the Bowes Observatory and the nuclear research center. National Textile Center, a large number of textile enterprises suburbs; the only domestic quinine factory, other industries are rubber, tea, machinery, automobile assembly, electrical appliances, metallurgy, wireless aircraft, such as canned. West Java railway, highway and aviation hub. The complex Zhoushan, Zhi Yade hot springs, West Lake small, as brother falls, and other tourist attractions near the zoo. Zhoushan is a complex volcano, visitors can go to the volcano watch volcano activity.

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