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发布时间: 2014-2-6
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

The strategic mineral resources reserve and national security - crown - know


The strategic mineral resources reserve and national security - crown - know

In the world economy, more than 80% of energy, more than 95% of the industrial raw material and more than 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources, mineral resources are important material basis for the survival and development of human society. Mineral resources is an important guarantee for national security and economic security, its importance to national security is mainly reflected in the:

(a) the strategic reserves of mineral resources is the basis of national security

"Soldiers, the event also; and death, the survival of the road, also must be aware." A combat forces is to consolidate national defense, security, and mineral resources is the key to winning the war. Modern weapons and equipment required for raw materials and energy, almost all from mineral resources. Modern warfare is actually the resource consumption of the fight, or is the resource reserves against, who has abundant mineral resources, who has won the foundation. For example, before World War II, the German oil needs most rely on imports, the foreign dependency reached more than 90%. In 1939, Germany launched the Second World War, only the reserves of 2400000 t oil and a small amount of oil. Because of the war blockade of Germany during the war, the shortage of oil supply. Oil shortage is weakness during World War II Germany's largest aircraft and tanks, lead to the actual utilization of more and more low, the "Blitzkrieg" large-scale mechanized combat mode is limited. Hitler lamented that "if I can't get enough oil, I had to end this war."

(two) the mineral resource is the foundation of national economic development

The mineral resource is the foundation of national economic development, from the mineral resources, economic development will be impossible. Since the reform and opening up, China's economic rising demand for mineral resources, driven by the rapid development of mining, mining production continued to increase, the proportion of total industrial output value accounted for steady in have litre. Mining output value accounted for 3.09% of GDP in 1986, rising to 4.52% in 2000, and in 2007 further increased to 5.30%. Mining have made important contributions to enhance China's economic strength.

(three) the birth of the "Resource Diplomacy of mineral resources"

One important aspect of foreign affairs in twenty-first Century will be the resource diplomacy, because the distribution of mineral resources is not balanced, no country in the world can provide for oneself. Consumption of mineral products to maintain the development of the national economy, must implement the strategy of global mineral resources, through the "Resource Diplomacy", strengthen the control of the capital and technology of global mineral resources. Such as Japan, the "Resource Diplomacy" especially "foreign oil", strengthen the contact and cooperation with the resources of China and the multinational mineral company. In politics, adopt a low profile on Middle Eastern oil producers and events that occur in the economy of the developing countries, to strengthen the special oil producing countries economic and technical assistance.

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